I am different things to different people. I am wife to Michael, Mom to Ricky & Benjamin, Grammy to Kaleb, sister, in-law, friend, author, small group leader, skin therapist, protector of the Monarch butterfly, but most of all I am a child of God and I hope you will call me friend.
Tami Bemis Cole,author
When I am not chasing Monarch butterflies, I love to write!
I have always felt inspired to write, going all the way back to first grade when I won a blue ribbon at our local fair for writing about my teacher’s cat, called Blue Bell. I started to journal in elementary school and still have some of them!
Anchored in Him is my first published work and came about during an intense storm in my life, and as I sought God, His love gave me refuge and inspired me to write this journey of hope.
I enjoy encouraging others and sharing my story of the hope I have found in Jesus Christ with others.
I live in New Hampshire with my very supportive husband Michael, our rescue dog Copper, and two cats, Lucy Jane & Captain Jack. We have two married sons, Ricky (Colleen) & Benjamin (Molly) and a grandson, & a granddaughter due soon!
I enjoy spending time with friends & family, especially my grandson, who never ceases to put a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
I own and operate a day spa, called TLC Spa Therapies and I love to pamper my clients! You will most likely find me growing milkweed plants and raising awareness of the Monarch butterfly, possibly acting in a church play and blogging about Jesus at IAMHIZ.BLOG.
You can email me anytime at [email protected]

New Book
About my Book…Anchored In Him
You can rarely avoid them; the storms of life show up to blow you off course, suck you into a vortex of wavering faith and make you doubt the direction you are going. Storms can drown you, devastate you and cause you to fall into despair on ever finding your destination safely.
However, there is hope for peace and direction in the storms of life, and that is through God. Author Tami Cole celebrates this belief as she shares the joy of God’s provision in, Anchored In Him.
What type of book is it? It was written in such a way that it feels like you are sitting at the table over a coffee and chatting with Tami about her storm and how God helped her. She encourages you to search the Scriptures on your own as she offers you what she has learned. You can read it through and/or go back through it and use it as a Bible study on your own or with a group. It consists of twelve chapters reflecting on aspects of God’s provision and love that create “anchors” for us to hold onto when the storms of life batter us relentlessly. Written during a difficult storm in Tami’s own life, she uses what God told her during quiet times spent in His Word to craft a Bible study helpful to the individual or group trying to find refuge in life’s storms.

About Me…Monarch Whisperer
My husband calls me a Monarch whisperer! I just love them and summer of 2019, God gave me 126+ butterflies in my tiny milkweed patch!

Speaking Engagements
I would love to come and speak at your church, woman’s group or event! Email me at [email protected]
I will be doing book signings and workshops in various NH locations. Stay tuned for when & where!